grand finale the 32 rd edition of the Motor Show

Once again the world dell'Automobile has made an appointment to Bologna at the 32 ^ edition of the Motor Show (scheduled from December 7 to 16) for the second consecutive year has as main sponsors Barclaycard. . There are more than 50 brand automobile, virtually 100% of the market operating in our country, a rich showcase of previews of absolute level: 95 new confirmed to date, 11 of which global and European 6. 343 exhibitors catalogue, of which 83 from 16 foreign countries.

Product news in the foreground, then, but much space was also given to 'deepening, with a packed schedule of meetings and press conferences, and culture, with different initiatives leaving the Fairgrounds and embrace the city of Bologna.
Come da tradizione, i visitatori hanno anche l’opportunità di provare in prima persona diverse vetture sulle 10 aree esterne dedicate: sono 14 le aziende impegnate nei test drive riservati al pubblico del Salone. According to tradition, visitors also have the opportunity to experience first-hand cars on 10 different outdoor areas dedicated are 14 companies involved in the test drive belonging to public exhibition.
Like every year, the Motor Show guarantees visitors moments of sport to four and two wheels to the highest levels.

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